All Banks In Canada

Routing Number For All Banks In Canada

This free Canadian banks routing number lookup tool helps us easily to search all domestic banks Routing Numbers in Canada and also shows you Branch Name, Transit Number, Postal code related information, and other useful information of 103 banks.

  1. Select the bank name that you are searching for Routing code Number. It will give you the list of banks available in the Province.
  2. Now you should search the Province name in Canada.

Banks in Canada


Find All Routing Numbers, Bank, City, Postal Code and more information

This website provides brief information about Canadian banks routing numbers and a collection of Routing Number, bank branches, Post code, Transit Number, etc. It is not difficult to transfer cash flow to all banks within the Canada by wire transfer, just search for financial banking institute, the routing number and get the complete details of that particular bank.

Routing Number - City, Address Name, Transit Details

# Routing Number Bank Address Transit Number
1 034300012 Ads Canadian Bank 20 Queen Street West - Suite 2600, Ontario (ON) 00012-343
2 084200646 Alterna Savings And Credit Union Ltd. Westboro Branch, 319 McRae Avenue, Ontario (ON) 00646-842
3 030300012 Amex Bank Of Canada 101 McNabb Street, Ontario (ON) 00012-303
4 021906009 Atb Financial 3699 63 Avenue NE, Alberta (AB) 06009-219
5 061800621 B2b Bank 199 Bay Street Suite 600, Ontario (ON) 00621-618
6 024101312 Bank Of America National Association 200 Front St. W., Suite 2700, Ontario (ON) 01312-241
7 017700000 Bank Of Canada 245 Sparks Street, Ontario (ON) 00000-177
8 030800012 Bank Of China (Canada) 50 Minthorn BLVD-Suite 600, Ontario (ON) 00012-308
9 037201682 Bank Of China Toronto Branch 100 King St W, PO BOX 241, Ontario (ON) 01682-372
10 000100011 Bank Of Montreal 119 rue Saint-Jacques, Quebec (QC) 00011-001
11 003900011 Banque Laurentienne Du Canada 1360 RENE LEVESQUE OUEST, Quebec (QC) 00011-039
12 000600011 Banque Nationale Du Canada 600 de la Gauchetiere o., Niveau A, Quebec (QC) 00011-006
13 024800001 Barclays Bank Of Canada 1 Place Ville Marie, Quebec (QC) 10930-016
14 025000011 Bnp Paribas 1981 Ave McGill College-Suite 515, Quebec (QC) 00011-250
15 031100002 Bofa Canada Bank 1600 James Naismith Dr - Ste 800, Ontario (ON) 00002-311
16 084907964 Brunswick Cr. Union Federation Ltd. 421 CHARLES LUTES ROAD, New Brunswick (NB) 07964-849
17 081900017 Caisse Financial Group Bureau Chef, 401-205, boulevard Provencher, Manitoba (MB) 00017-819
18 083600002 Caisse Populaire De Kapuskasing Ltee 36 Riverside Dr., Ontario (ON) 00002-836
19 018700016 Canada Savings Bond Redemption Cert 245 Sparks Street, 245 Sparks St, Ontario (ON) 00016-187
20 001000001 Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce 1155 boul. Rene-Levesque Ouest, CP 6003, Succursale A, Quebec (QC) 00001-010

Why we use Routing Number?

The Canada Bank routing number is basically used for different monetary purposes. When we want to transfer funds or receive funds, making our installment payment of invoices, send money to other country from canada by bank transfer we need to have that bank routing number to identify that particular bank branch in Canada.

It gives a distinguishing proof of the number for practically all banks which are well qualified to make transactions across the globe or within canada. So everybody can transfer cash in canada with easy identification code.

Disclaimer: Firstbankn is Collection for informational and educational purposes only, our team make a great effort to provide accurate information and accepts no liability with respect to the accuracy of any kind of data. Please reconfirm with your bank before transferring funds we will not responsible for any kind of financial or other kinds of loss.