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Guyana Airport Codes - All Airports in Guyana

Check the detailed information such as airports in Guyana, IATA, FAA and ICAO Codes of Guyana airport, contact numbers, latitude and longitude, timezone and DST information. It include domestic airports in Guyana and even airports that have been closed for some reason in the Guyana.

  1. Now you should select the airport name it will show you list of airports in Guyana country.
  2. A list of all airports of Guyana in all cities appears below.

Find All Guyana Airports, IATA, ICAO, FAA Codes and more information

This website provides brief information about Guyana airports code, of 41 around the Guyana and a collection of IATA code, FAA code and ICAO code, for almost all of the more than 41 airports in the list of bases.

  • The IATA code for Guyana airports is used for location identification in Guyana, and its 3-digit code is used Guyana.
  • The ICAO airport code for Guyana is a 4 digit code that is used to identify flight stations, weather stations, flight information, and regional control centers of airports in Guyana.
  • The FAA airport code for Guyana airports is commonly used for small public or private airports in Guyana.
  • Guyana - Airports Name, City, IATA Code Details

    # Airport Name City IATA Code Country Code
    1 Aishalton Aishalton AHL Guyana [GY]
    2 Annai Annai NAI Guyana [GY]
    3 Apoteri Apoteri Guyana [GY]
    4 Awaruwaunau Awaruwaunau Guyana [GY]
    5 Baramita Baramita BMJ Guyana [GY]
    6 Bartica A Bartica GFO Guyana [GY]
    7 Bemichi Bemichi BCG Guyana [GY]
    8 Cheddi Jagan International Georgetown GEO Guyana [GY]
    9 Ebini Ebini Guyana [GY]
    10 Ekereku Ekereku EKE Guyana [GY]
    11 Imbaimadai Imbaimadai IMB Guyana [GY]
    12 Kaieteur International Kaieteur Falls KAI Guyana [GY]
    13 Kamarang Kamarang KAR Guyana [GY]
    14 Karanambo Karanambo KRM Guyana [GY]
    15 Karasabai Karasabai KRG Guyana [GY]
    16 Kato Kato KTO Guyana [GY]
    17 Konawaruk Konawaruk KKG Guyana [GY]
    18 Kurukabaru Kurukabaru Guyana [GY]
    19 Kurupung Kurupung KPG Guyana [GY]
    20 Kwakwani Kwakwani Guyana [GY]
    21 Lethem Lethem LTM Guyana [GY]
    22 Linden Linden Guyana [GY]
    23 Lumid Pau Lumid Pau LUB Guyana [GY]
    24 Mabaruma Mabaruma USI Guyana [GY]
    25 Mahdia Mahdia MHA Guyana [GY]
    26 Maikwak Maikwak VEG Guyana [GY]
    27 Manari Manari Guyana [GY]
    28 Marurawana Marurawana Guyana [GY]
    29 Matthews Ridge Matthews Ridge MWJ Guyana [GY]
    30 Monkey Mountain Monkey Mountain MYM Guyana [GY]
    31 Mountain Point Mountain Point Guyana [GY]
    32 New Amsterdam New Amsterdam QSX Guyana [GY]
    33 Ogle Ogle OGL Guyana [GY]
    34 Orinduik Orinduik ORJ Guyana [GY]
    35 Paramakatoi Paramakatoi PMT Guyana [GY]
    36 Paruma Paruma PRR Guyana [GY]
    37 Pipillipai Pipillipai PIQ Guyana [GY]
    38 Port Kaituma Port Kaituma PKM Guyana [GY]
    39 Sand Creek Sand Creek SDC Guyana [GY]
    40 Skeldon Skeldon SKM Guyana [GY]
    41 Wichabai Wichabai Guyana [GY]

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